About donald

I work at ScotClans and have done since 2009. Also a student.

“Scotland As Cold As The South Pole”

“Scotland As Cold As The South Pole”

With temperatures plumetting, a low of -22°C is expected, with some saying that parts of Scotland will be as cold as the South Pole. However, it is currently mid-summer for the southern hemisphere, and -22°C is probably considered as balmy by the penguins. The coldest temperature ever recorded in the UK was -27.2°C on the […]

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Thai Tourist Guide Uses Picture of Hebridean Beach

Thai Tourist Guide Uses Picture of Hebridean Beach

A picture of the white sands and crystal clear blue waters of West Beach on the island of Berneray are being used by Thailand’s tourist board to advertise Kai Bae beach on Ko Chang, the country’s second largest island. However, there are plenty of distinct differences between the view of the Sound of Harris and […]

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Bonnie Prince Henry?

Bonnie Prince Henry?

A portrait thought to be of Bonnie Prince Charlie, purchased by the Scottish National Portrait Gallery back in 1994 for £22,000, is in actual fact ‘probably his brother’, Prince Henry, the museum has conceded. After a two-year debate with London art dealer, Bendor Grosvenor, the National Galleries of Scotland have back down from its initial […]

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Alex Salmond’s Christmas Card Too ‘Political’

Alex Salmond’s Christmas Card Too ‘Political’

Alex Salmond’s annual Christmas card has been criticised by members of the opposition parties because of its inclusion of the St. Andrew’s Cross. Both David McLetchie, Scottish Conservative chief whip, and Mike Rumbles, chief whip for the Scottish Liberal Democrats have spoken out on what they view as the First Minister taking advantage of the […]

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Robert Burns – Greatest Scot of all time…?

Robert Burns – Greatest Scot of all time…?

As part of the Homecoming Scotland celebrations, a poll was held by STV to see who the public believes the greatest ever Scot is. Thousands of people were said to have voted from the list of 35 nominees, with Robert Burns, perhaps aptly, generating the most popularity. Homecoming Scotland 2009 has Burns as its focus, […]

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St Andrew’s Day

St Andrew’s Day

The 30th of November is celebrated by Christians across the world as Saint Andrew’s day; remembering the day that Andrew, one of the Jesus’ twelve apostles, was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross, also known now as a ‘St Andrew’s Cross’, in Patras, in Greece. However, for Scots, the day is more about celebrating […]

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The Phantom Regiment of Killiecrankie

The Phantom Regiment of Killiecrankie

The Battle of Killiecrankie, fought on the 16th of July, 1689, was part of the Jacobite Risings trying to get James VII/II back on the throne in Scotland, England, and Ireland. It was a bloody victory for the Highland Jacobite army against the government troops (mainly comprising of lowland Scots, incorrectly referred to as ‘English’) […]

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The White Lady of Corstorphine

The White Lady of Corstorphine

The Lords Forrester were a principal family in the Corstorphine area of Edinburgh. Their main home was Corstorphine Castle, a 14th century stronghold which, by the 18th century, was nothing but ruins, and today nothing of the castle remains but a 16th century dovecot. Sometime during the 17th century, a James Forrester was laird at […]

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