About donald

I work at ScotClans and have done since 2009. Also a student.

Donald Trump’s Nation-Wide Tour

Donald Trump’s Nation-Wide Tour

A stunt pulled by the Menie Liberation Front (MLF) has seen around twenty statues in four of Scotland’s cities given a Donald Trump mask and a plastic toy golf club in an attempt at a light hearted protest against the American tycoon’s £1bn golf resort plans for Menie in Aberdeenshire, which Trump claims will be […]

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The Wardens of the Marches

The Wardens of the Marches

The relationship between Scotland and England wasn’t always as amicable as it is today.  From the late 13th century to the 16th century, Scotland and England were constantly at war with each other.  This created a lawless environment where crime soared, people from both sides of the border would live more like outlaws, taking advantage […]

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The Death March to Durham

The Death March to Durham

The aftermath of the 1650 Battle of Dunbar saw the grave mistreatment of 5,000 Scottish prisoners-of-war at the hands of the English Parliamentarian army. These battle-weary prisoners were starved of food and sleep, whilst at the same time force-marched over 100 miles to a makeshift prison in hellish conditions. Yet this is one of the […]

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The Pharaoh’s daughter and Scotland

The Pharaoh’s daughter and Scotland

The story of how Scotland got it’s name is an interesting one.   Tradition has it that the legend starts back in ancient Egypt, where a pharaoh’s daughter, called Scota, and two Greek princes formed a group which was very troublesome and they were banished because traditionally, Scota and her group had a reputation everywhere […]

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Thomas the Rhymer

Thomas the Rhymer

Thomas Learmonth from Ercildoune (now Earlston), better known as Thomas the Rhymer was a 13th century Laird, poet and a supposed prophet. Legend tells us how Thomas the Rhymer went out walking one day and fell asleep beneath a tree on the side of the Eildon Hills. He awoke to find a shining woman sitting […]

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Clan Cunningham societies to unite under one Chief.

Clan Cunningham societies to unite under one Chief.

  Clan Cunningham USA (CCUSA) society has changed it’s name to Clan Cunningham International (CCI) with the intention of uniting all of the various Cunningham societies under a new chieftain. CCUSA claimed that after their recent trip to Scotland, where they represented Clan Cunningham at The Gathering, it was made clear to them that Cunninghams […]

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Reverend Ernest Levy Dies

Reverend Ernest Levy Dies

Reverend Ernest Levy OBE, one of Scotland’s most prominent Jewish leaders, and Holocaust survivor has died at the age of 84. Born in 1925, in Bratislava, in the then Czechoslovakia, his family fled to Hungary to escape the Slovak fascists. At the age of 19 he was taken away to Auschwitz from his home in Budapest, […]

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Boycott on Scotland after al-Megrahi’s Release

Boycott on Scotland after al-Megrahi’s Release

Scotland’s worst terrorist incident occurred on the evening of Dec. 21, 1988 when a bomb exploded on board a PanAm Boeing 747 air liner on course from Frankfurt to New York. It crashed on the village of Lockerbie (Dumfries and Galloway), killing everyone on board as well as many on the land, a total of […]

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Scotland’s Oldest Man Dies

Scotland’s Oldest Man Dies

Scotland’s oldest man, Robert ‘Bob’ Taggart, has passed away on the 13th of August at the age of 109, less than three weeks after being crowned Britain’s oldest man, after the death of First World War veteran Harry Patch. Taggart of Rutherglen, Lanarkshire, was a keen bowler, and even continued to play the sport well into his 100s. He was […]

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