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Clan Blane
Basic Info.
Crest: The sword of Justice paleways, Proper
Motto: Pax Aut Bellum (Peace or war)
Region: Lowlands
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Blane Tartan
Galloway District tartan (There is no registered tartan for this clan)
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Clan History
Blane History
Also found as Blain, the name is a reduced form of MacBlain. Most commonly found in Wigtown and Ayr.
Patrick Blane was provost of the burgh of Wigtown in 1561, and John Blain had a charter of the half of the ten-merk lands of Meikle-Wig in the parish of Whithorn in 1674.
Clan Lands
Blane Lands

Blane Clan
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan Blane Posts
Clan Blane Gallery