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Clan Learmonth
Basic Info.
Crest: A rose Proper
Motto: I Hope
Lands: Borders
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Learmonth Tartan
Tweedside District tartan (There is no registered tartan for this clan)
>>view more Clan Learmonth Tartans
Clan History
Learmonth History
The Learmonth name is a territorial one, and derives from the Learmonth lands in Berwichshire, and is an old surname in the Merse area. Thomas Learmonth, also known as Thomas the Rhymer, was a 13th century Scottish laird from Berwickshire, and a supposed prophet. He put many of his prophecies to rhyme, including his prediction of the death of Alexander III.
Clan Lands
Learmonth Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan Learmonth Posts
Clan Learmonth Gallery