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Clan Lockhart
Basic Info.
Crest: On a chapeau Gules furred Ermine a boar’s head erased Argent, langued Gules
Motto: Corda Serrata Pando (I open locked hearts)
Lands: Lanarkshire
Historic Seat: Lee Castle
Clan Chief: Angus Hew Lockhart of the Lee
Clan History
Lockhart History
The Clan Lockhart arrived in Scotland among the waves of Normans who arrived after the Norman invasion of England in 1066.
The Lockharts settled in Lanark and Ayrshire where the towns of Symington and Stevenson remain to mark the past influence of Simon and Steven Locard.
Clan Lands
Lockhart Lands
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
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Clan Lockhart Posts
Clan Lockhart Gallery