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Clan MacGill
Basic Info.
Gaelic Name: Mac an ghoill
Crest: A phoenix in flames, Proper
Motto: Sine Fine (Without end)
Origin of Name: From Gaelic, meaning ‘son of the lowlander’ or ‘son of the stranger’
Clan Chief: Ian Arthur Alexander Makgill, 14th Viscount of Oxfuird
Clan History
Makgill History
The name Makgill is said to derive from ‘Mac a Ghoill’, meaning ‘son of the lowlander’ or ‘son of the stranger’. The name became established in Galloway prior to the thirteenth century.
Maurice Macgeil witnessed a charter to the church of St Thomas the Martyr of Arbroath in 1231.
Clan Lands
Makgill Lands

Macgill Map
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Clan MacGill Posts
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