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Clan Newton
Basic Info.
Crest: A Demi lion Rampant holding a sword in its Dexter paw
Motto: Pro Patria (For my country)
Origin of Name: Comes from ‘new town’
Clan Chief: None, armigerous clan
Newton Tartan
Edinburgh District tartan (There is no registered tartan for this clan)
>>view more Clan Newton Tartans
Clan History
Newton History
The name Newton is of local origin, from place with the name, and essentially meaning ‘new town’.
In 1296, both Huwe de Neutone and James de Neutone of the Edinburgh area rendered their allegiance to England’s Edward I by signing the Ragman Rolls.
Clan Lands
Newton Lands

Newton Map
we have created a google map for this Clan showing Clan Lands and Places.
View map >>
Clan Newton Posts
Clan Newton Gallery